Monday, March 16, 2009

5 Senses

I've been tagged- this one is called the 5 senses tag. You list 4 things you love, and one thing you hate, for each category. Then tag 5 people, leave them a note on their blog so they know. Also, let the person who tagged you know when you post yours. So here we go...
Smell-fresh laundry, baby lotion, homemade bread, roses Hate-dirty dish rags
Touch-soft skin, silky fabric, carpet, warm water Hate-raw meat
Sound-kids laughing, classical music, quiet, ocean Hate-screaming (especially the high pitched squeals my kids let out)
Taste-chocolate, pizza, bread, pickles Hate-anything fishy
Sight-my beautiful kids, flowers, waterfalls, mountains Hate-a messy room

Okay so I tag Courtney Vierra, Jenn Phipps, Jessica Nemnich, Sherie Dotson, and Nicole Ennis


The Phipps said...

It's funny how most of us like the same things! Oh and I don't want the 80's to come back!! The hair and clothes are horrible and the music oh my - hate it!!!

David and Courtney said...

After all these years kimmy still cant spell my name!! LOL!!!!